Midi Program Change

Hi I just unlocked the full version of Soundbox.

Is there a way to call presets via midi program change ?

Thanks for help

Hi @Dan ,
Thanks for reaching out. This isn’t possible at the moment, but we’ve just added it to our to-do list. Stay tuned!


Just adding my vote for this feature! Really important for workflow, IMO.


adding my vote too, receiving CC and PC massages ,
Changing presets remotely is an essential features.
Please implement it in upcoming update.

Me too. This is very important feature ,
specially for live performance .
Please add it soon.
Thank you.

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Hi. Dan. Is it possible to move this thread to
Soundbox feature request , so more people
Can find it and add their votes?

The next update will include this and Round Robins alongside other minor improvements. Stay tuned.


Thank you very much, that’s great news !

Great news! I’m happy with Soundbox as it is, and I’m having a lot of fun with it and have barely scratched the surface of the features it already has, but new features and improvements are always appreciated. :blush:

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Is anyone here knows how exactly Soundbox should react to PC massages.do I need to build custom set list and choose presets that I would like to recall from my controller? I’m asking because i think it was changing presets as expected before latest update, and now seems nothing happens when sending PC messages.
Thanks in advance for any info.