I’ve been messaging around with soundbox for a couple of hours now and accidentally stumbled across something pretty cool.
Apparently (at least in REAPER) MIDI from the arpeggiator(s) in Soundbox gets passed through to the next VST in your plugin chain!
That is super cool and could be very useful. I haven’t checked yet if you can turn the volume down on Soundbox and still get the MIDI to pass through to the next VSTi in the chain, but it should be possible, at the very least I could turn tbr dry/wet knob in REAPER down to 0% and for sure make that work.
The sequence/arp in Soundbox seems pretty powerful so that’s pretty cool, whether it was an intended feature or not.
There’s also an “Arp MIDI Output” in the settings but it’s unclear how this work and I can only select my MIDI controllers as Output which isn’t super useful. Would love to be able to send it to other tracks or just a virtual MIDI source.
You can also set the MIDI Input of another track to Soundbox (at least in Ableton Live) and it will send the MIDI that comes out of Soundbox post-arp. It doesn’t have channels for each arp though so with this method you’ll receive the sum of all MIDI from every arp.
Yes, this is there by design. We’re thinking of adding more MIDI engines in the ARP section since there are similar function that exist in our other apps.