Activate Riffer - Trial stuck in Logic Pro

Tried the Trial version in Logic. Bought Riffer. Activated standalone Riffer, but plugin in Logic is still Trial. Where do I add License Key in my DAW? I’ve deleted the plugin and Saved - I’ve shut down computer - I’ve started a new project - all still have trial version.

Thanks for any help!

Hello lpkeys, i hope you’re doing well.

This means that you still have the trial version installed.
You simply need to remove/trash the Riffer_Trial files from the location(s) below:

The AU plugin is at location:

The VSTs are at locations:

The AAX plugin is at:
/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins

Let me know how i can further help,

I’m having the same issue. I tried trashing the trial version however it’s still the only version showing up in Logic… some help would be great. And since trashing the trial it’s now causing Logic to crash. I’ve also now tried resetting the audio unit cache and totally reinstalling Riffer still with no luck…

Do you perhaps have a custom folder for your AU plugins?
Can you please locate the AU folder and check if you see the trial version of Riffer inside?

The only one I currently have installed is Riffer the non trial version.

Please reach out to our support team and we’ll help you out:

I just reached out under the contact us tab