Riffer install issues Ableton/Mac M1

I’m thinking I’m doing something wrong , I’ve just purchased Riffer via Plugin boutique - and it’s not installed in my Ableton Plugin folder (It opens ok in Stand Alone mode) - I’m on Ableton Universal 11.1 + Latest Riffer version .
Any help would be appreciated.


Hello John, I hope you’re doing well.

Thanks for reaching out. Can you please make sure you have enabled the use of VST or VST3 plugins through Live’s preferences and re-scan your plugins?

Let me know if that worked,

Hi ,
Thanks , I restarted / and rescanned , all good now - as I thought ‘User’ error :frowning: - I’m all sorted.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly
Great product btw :slight_smile:


Glad to hear that John.

Have fun!