Sync Features & Customizable Panel Colors Wishlist

Hi everyone,

I’ve been using the new Audiomodern Soundbox and I think it’s fantastic, but there are a few features I’d love to see in future updates. Here’s my detailed wishlist:

Polyphonic Glide: It would be great to have the ability to glide between notes in a polyphonic context, giving more expressive control to the sound.

Round Robin: Implementing a round-robin feature would add variation to repeated notes, making performances feel more natural and less mechanical.

Tempo Time Stretching: This would allow loops and samples to stretch in time without altering their pitch, perfect for syncing to the host tempo without losing audio quality.

Tempo Step Filter: A step-based filter that moves in sync with the tempo would give more rhythmic control and modulation to sounds, useful for creating dynamic, evolving textures.

Tempo Delay: Adding a tempo-synced delay would be a fantastic way to quickly integrate rhythmic echoes without needing external effects.

Customizable Panel Colors: It would be awesome to have the ability to change the panel color from the default purple to other colors. This could help match the visual theme of different presets and provide better workflow uniformity.


Huge plus one on this! Every one of these feature requests would be amazing.

Hi @andrewfly ,
Thanks for the feedback.

• Round Robin options are a popular request and we will make sure that is added soon.

• Tempo Time Stretching is currently what we’re working on. Stay tuned.

• Tempo Step Filter, we have a separate Free plugin which does that, Filterstep. We might be able to add this as one of the effects.

• Tempo Delay, if you’re using Soundbox within your DAW you should see a sync button on the delay unit.

• Customizable Panel Colors, we chose to keep the upper section non-customizable to ensure better readability. That said, it would be straightforward to include the same options as those available in the bottom section.

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