Soundbox Velocity and some other suggestions

Hello Friends.

First of all, Soundbox is amazing! Especially now that the engine is free. I wish you tons of success with this!

I read the PDF User Manual, but I might have missed something. It seems velocity is hardwired to amplitude, with no way to change it - which means that when stacking samples using velocity, the top sample is always the loudest and the bottom remains the quietest. Adjusting sample levels inside Soundbox to compensate doesn’t seem to work (bug?) it has to be done before import.

So, I have a few suggestions, grouped into need to have and nice to have.

Need to have:
Ability to adjust velocity → amplitude
Velocity as a mod option

Nice to have:
Imported samples should read existing loop points
Keytracking as a mod option

Thanks for considering these! Looking forward to seeing Soundbox evolve.

Soren // Luftrum


Hi Soren, thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback!

You’re right, there’s a bug with the volume control in the sample editor tab, but it will be fixed in the next update (1.0.7). In this version, we’re also introducing round robins for both entire layers and individual keys.

As for your suggestion, we’ve already added it to our to-do list and will work on implementing it as soon as possible.