Rootnote function in riffer

In riffer the function root note does not work properly. When activated it also generates notes that are beyond the root notes.

Hello Leaf, I hope you’re doing well.

Thanks for reaching out. May I please have a screenshot of your settings?


Hi Max, sure. I hope you can find the problem here. Leaf

Thanks for the screenshot. I can see that the Root Note control is se to generate ‘1’ Root note in the sequencer, which seems correct (7th Step is A0).

If you want more rot notes on your pattern you may increase the counter. Can you confirm that this is working for you?

it is right, that I can generate more notes in the pattern, if I increase the counter, but what I am looking for was a method I have seen somewhre on a youtube tutorial, which I cannot find anymore is the possibility to generate a bassline which consists just of different notes in a sequence.

You mean a pattern which has only root notes?