Playbeat4 - Updates

Hi, I read now in some places about Playbeat4, but is there any real info homepage?
The normal homepage shows no news page and not found in forum.

How will the update policy for this? Full price again or some upgrade pricing?

Any place with more information available? I have no social media, so I dont see X or FB…
Any newsletter? Could not find it.

Overall THANKS for this techno machine, really great patterns in Refract, swapping with Riemann samples and every click on random sample is a banger inspiration. (except the export part, but hope someone can help)


Hi GentlemanCorpse,

Indeed we are currently beta testing the version 4 update for Playbeat, making sure it is compatible with all systems and testing our totally new pattern creation algorithm(s) among several new features included with this new version. There is no ETA yet nor a upgrade policy, we are still making sure it works perfectly on all systems.

Any new information about the process will be posted here with a new thread. Thank you for your patience.


Hello, can you please tell me if the new version has the possibility to import/record MIDI?

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Still waiting for an update on Playbeat

Our new version is now ready, and we’re currently in the testing phase. We’re aiming to have it fully prepared by December.


Can you let us know if PB4 will be compatible with PB3 presets and expansion packs?

Hi @oobesan , Of course it is. Beyond ensuring compatibility between different versions, our new algorithms enable pattern and sound generation based on musical genres. This made it essential to maintain compatibility with older presets and packs.

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Cool to hear a new update is coming :slight_smile: Will there be any trailer showing what’s new soon?

Hi @mattiasboden. Once we’ve completed the large factory soundset for this update, we’ll release a video highlighting all the new features.


Hey Guys,
Is Playbeat 4 going to be released this month?

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I am waiting for this update also for years… Please tell us if you will upload the update, because we can buy some other drum machines sequencers on the market on the Christmas sale, thank you

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Glad to hear that Playbeat 4 is in testing. I’ve been using the iPad version for years and really enjoy it. There are a couple of fixes that I’m awaiting in version 4, so I’m definitely interested.

@troxx @Voicu35

While the app is ready and currently undergoing testing without any major issues, we want to take our time with the release.

We’ve created completely new algorithms specifically designed for this plugin, and we want to ensure compatibility with older versions and stability across all devices by testing in various environments. For this reason, we won’t rush the release, and we expect to be ready by January.

Thank you for your understanding, rest assured, this decision is for the best.


So disappointing to see that for 2 years you push the Update release to the next month, like you said will for sure be released in December ! Appreciate your work, but when you release this plugin years ago, you advertise it with free updates For life, and a lost of new futures… While you added a few new futures the only updates were to fix your errors… Honestly I’m done, I will move on to a better plug-in which I think it Triaz .

They didn’t say Playbeat will be released in December. But yes, waiting for so long with almost no news while releasing other plugins is frustrating…

Hi @Voicu35 ,

It’s a huge update. We are currently testing it.

If everything goes well, we will have the final version in the next few days and it will be released in January.

As for a better solution, I don’t think that there will be any when it goes live :innocent:
Thank you for your patience.

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“patience” ??? You’ve been lying to us for years !!!

The screenshot above discusses the release of Playbeat version 3.0. Can you point out specifically where we lied?


The most of your "updates " war actualy Fixes … exept the “smart random” … you realy sold as unfinised product…

i was buying your product because your fake advertasing, when you sad you will bring new futures, and the things will be better and better… and for the last 2 years: Nothing !!! Thank you very much !