Hi, I read now in some places about Playbeat4, but is there any real info homepage?
The normal homepage shows no news page and not found in forum.
How will the update policy for this? Full price again or some upgrade pricing?
Any place with more information available? I have no social media, so I dont see X or FB…
Any newsletter? Could not find it.
Overall THANKS for this techno machine, really great patterns in Refract, swapping with Riemann samples and every click on random sample is a banger inspiration. (except the export part, but hope someone can help)
Indeed we are currently beta testing the version 4 update for Playbeat, making sure it is compatible with all systems and testing our totally new pattern creation algorithm(s) among several new features included with this new version. There is no ETA yet nor a upgrade policy, we are still making sure it works perfectly on all systems.
Any new information about the process will be posted here with a new thread. Thank you for your patience.