PB4.0.3 very unstable in Logic Pro 11.1.2 and other questions #playbeat4

Hi I upgraded to PB4 couple of days ago and I started reading and using it in my DAW Logic Pro.

Playbeat 4.0.3 and Logic Pro 11.1.2

In PB 3, I was able to set up multi-output and export MIDI files for each track into my DAW, but since only the kick sound played on all tracks, it was practically unusable. As a result, I have always relied on exporting the “All Tracks” MIDI file and then using the “Track In Place” function to convert it into audio.

Now, in PB 4, when I export the “All Tracks” MIDI file and turn off PB4 Sync, clicking the play button in Logic Pro does not play the MIDI file at all. The reason I turn off the sync button is to prevent Playbeat from duplicating the sound playback. (This is also a common practice I follow with several other drum machine plugins I own.)

However, turning on the sync button does not fix the issue either. In fact, when the sync button is enabled, the Sounds, Sequence, Remix sections at the bottom react unpredictably to the MIDI file, completely disrupting the patterns I have set. I attempted to stop them from responding to exported MIDI notes by clicking “Hold” in the Sounds, Sequence, Remix sections, but this did not seem to work properly either.

This issue occurs not only with the “All Tracks” MIDI file but also with individually exported MIDI track files.

At first, I thought I might be misunderstanding something, so I checked the manual again, but I couldn’t find any helpful information. Restarting Logic Pro and trying again sometimes makes it work as expected, but soon after, it behaves unpredictably again.

Additionally, after restarting Logic Pro, if I load a user preset where I modified the Knock 01 expansion and changed the rate of two tracks to 1/8, they randomly switch to 1/16 during playback. After some time, they might revert back to 1/8, as originally set. Also, I have experienced situations where the Track Lock button gets disabled on its own or where the Swing value is randomly changed to 70%, yet the actual sound remains unaffected and plays with the original settings.

Exporting MIDI files is essential for introducing variations in patterns over different sections, but currently, this functionality is practically unusable, making it very inconvenient. If the Bank (snapshot) function from version 3 were still available, it would at least allow for some flexibility in applying variations through audio exports, but unfortunately, it seems to have been removed.

Through these repeated issues, I have concluded that PB4 is very unstable in my Logic Pro setup. I sincerely hope a quick update will improve stability and usability.

Additionally, I have a question regarding the manual. Normally, drum machine virtual instruments are loaded through the Instruments panel. I also used PB3 in this way. However, in the PB4 manual, it mentions MIDI Routing and suggests loading PB4 in the MIDI FX panel while loading another instrument in the Instruments panel. When and how exactly should this method be used?

These also happen in standalone mode as well. In stand alone it even does not play any sound while it is play if I choose my own preset which is modified from Knock expansion.

I really can not understand now.

It would be incredibly helpful if you could upload detailed guides on your YouTube channel explaining how to export and use MIDI files in different major DAWs, as well as how to use PB4 as a MIDI FX plugin.

Hi @sourcreembeat ,

For use with Logic Pro, Playbeat 4 includes a complimentary MIDI FX version that can be loaded into a track’s MIDI FX slot. This is designed to send MIDI from Playbeat to your other plugin(s) loaded in the same track, not the other way around.

Feeding MIDI data into Playbeat won’t work, but there’s a better solution. You can trigger any sequencer -or the full mix- using the bottom keyboard section in the ‘Sequencers’ area, either from your MIDI keyboard or by placing a MIDI note in your track.

(In this case, ensure that keyboard triggering is enabled instead of automatic mode. You can do this using the two buttons at the top left of the menu—one is a play button, and the other is a keyboard button.)

Are you looking to control another app using MIDI from Playbeat, or looking to arrange patterns and variations in your DAW timeline?