Playbeat 3 random very loud static in Logic Pro X

CleanShot 2023-08-07 at 09.23.42@2x

Already did a complete fresh install before confirming VST2 vs. VST3.

nitrada’s screenshot shows the same thing I see in Cubase.

Could you please share with us this preset within a custom pack so we can inspect it?
You can send it here:

Here’s how you can create a pack:

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@Audiomodern I just submitted a custom pack containing some presets, i’m running into the issue with any of them. never had any issue before updating to playbeat 3.2.4 btw.

If I find time I’ll do it. The “worst” preset I have works with samples from the Volca Sample 2, you can download them from Korg and try for yourself.

My preset with these samples spikes the most often, also on both channels (not only right channel) and produces the static noise often (other packs only rarerly make actual noise and just spike the meter)

Best regards

Dear Audiomodern Team

I just sent you a custom pack and screenshots via request link below showing all the issues I encounter with Playbeat. I just updated to 3.2.6, makes no difference.

The issues are:

  • Clipping and/or noise (mostly right channel, sometimes both channels)
  • Samples appearing randomly at pan positions although they are mono and pan C in the preset
  • Export of stems with L-R offset and occasional missing sample on one channel

Best regards