Playbeat 3 Quick Presets Not Loading Sounds on MIDI Trigger

Hi, I’m currently fighting with Playbeat 3 in Cubasis in order to finish a track. The only way (apart from exporting patterns to audio) I can use it with multiple patterns in a composition is to utilise key based midi triggers to trigger Quick Presets at relevant points in the compotion. All good there as I have this basic aspect working, however… the Quick Presets only change the patterns and not the sounds associated with the preset.

Anyone else have this issue? Is it me? Is there a workaround besides exporting audio?

So many questions :squinting_face_with_tongue:

This might be a similar issue as the one linked here:

Thanks David. Doesn’t look like there was any resolution to your issue? Not sure if it’s related to this one with the quick presets. I’ll have to try on the desktop version to see if it exhibits the same issue.

Hi, in the previous version, the quick load presets were designed to store pattern changes, not the sounds.

Thanks for the response. I thought they loaded actual presets? Is there a way to trigger presets via midi?

Unfortunately, it’s not possible to trigger different presets via MIDI.

This is such a shame. Can I ask what best practice is for those working with PB3 in a DAW? At present, the only viable method seems to be rendering out the patterns to audio.

Changing presets that have a new set of sounds within the same track is not supported in either version. Instead, you can render the audio -or- use multiple instances of the app in your project, each having a different preset.