Pattern preview is broken in Reaper (Playbeat)

When browsing the patterns in the packs, I get only a very short audio playback (0.5 sec).
I had it working before, I think in the Lite version. I bought the whole program and now it is really annoying.
Please, fix it.

Hello jaimun,

Thanks for reaching gout. Is the preview working in standalone mode -or- in another DAW but not in Reaper?

It is even worse in Reason 12, just a glitchy brief sound, or just nothing. Preview of individual sounds inside a pattern works fine. I’ll try checking in Live in another machine.

I wrote about this for a long time. Auditioning Playbeat’s beats in Reaper does not work. It plays for less than a second and that’s it.
Every time you publish a new version, I would test it for the preview in Reaper. And every time nothing changed. :man_shrugging:

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There is a workaround if you really want to work with Playbeat. You can just launch Playbeat as standalone and as a Plugin in Reaper. You audition the beats in the standalone version and make your choice. Then you adjust the plugin version in Reaper accordingly.

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Hello jaimun,
We have identified the issue in Reaper and it will be corrected ASAP. Let us know if you have the same problem in Live.

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Hi kjlietz,
Let us know if you see any other bugs besides this one. As we prepare for our V4 to be out soon we’ll be happy to take a look of anything other in particular.

It works fine in Ableton Live 11 (VST2).
It works fine in Reason 12 (VST3).
In Reaper, both VST2 &3 have this ‘short preview’ problem.


I do not use Playbeat at the moment. But Chordjam does crash on me from time to time when changing presets while playing. But it is difficult to replicate. If it happens it usually crashes my Asio driver with it and I have to either change to another Asio driver after restarting the DAW or I restart the PC. :man_shrugging: I usually restart the PC.

If you have a crash log, please share it with us so we can inspect what is causing the crash.

Where will I find the crash log?

Here’s how you can view the crash log(s) in Reaper:

Long time has passed… a minor update fixing this would be great…