Loopmix Midi Out

Hi Audiomodern,

Does Loopmix have a Midi Out Port? I have been looking in the settings, but cannot see an option to enable it.

It would be nice to have that feature, if it’s not availble. Most of my VST Instruments have a Midi Out, unless it is really old.

EZKeys 2 for example has a Midi Out option, plus you can drag and drop the Midi sequence in your DAW when you are happy with it. I know Loopmix can drag out a Midi Sequence.

Is it possible to include a Midi Out port in a future update?


Hi Studiodbfx,

Loopmix is an audio sequencer and not a MIDI sequencer. Although we have added the option to grab the MIDI sequences created by the Pitch tab via the Export tab, are you looking to use this MIDI in real time to ‘feed’ another module?

are you looking to use this MIDI in real time to ‘feed’ another module?



However, this is not the purpose of this plugin. A real-time MIDI out function will require far more sequencing options which are not even present in the Pitch tab as this is is designed to serve pitch changes for the loops that are imported into Loopmix.

We have our Playbeat & Riffer apps which already have more advanced options when it comes to MIDI Sequencing and routing options.

Okay! Thanks for answering. :+1: