Gatelab + Cubase / issue after loading a song

Hi. I have a very annoying problem with Gatelab. When a song is loaded on Cubase, Gatelab does not trigger (or very poorly) on the tracks concerned. I have to click on track editing, see the “Gatelab window” appear, and there, it’s good !.. I have to do that on all the tracks affected by Gatelab, and it’s very tedious !!. …It’s the same with Gatelab VST and Gatelab VST3. What is the problem ?? (Gatelab 1.1.3 / VST 2.4 / VST 3.7.2 / Cubase 12 Pro / Macbook Pro M1 / ​​Osx Ventura)

Hello Dubois,

Thanks for reaching out. This is strange, we will need to replicate this with this DAW & setup to see what might be causing the problem and correct with a quick update.

Hi! I’m experiencing the exact same thing. It’s always happened to me with Gatelab, across multiple PCs and versions of Ableton. I wrote to support about it last year and the reply was that it will be fixed in the next update, but, alas, no fix! Gatelab is by far the best and most intuitive rhythm gate out there, but this bug renders it practically unusable. Every time I open a saved project, Gatelab is set to the standard/init pattern, until I open the GUI and then hey-presto it snaps back to the saved setting. I’d really really love to see this sorted and am happy to help in any way I can. Thanks!

Hi bittripper,

We’re already working on n update for Gatelab 2 which will fix such issues as well as introduce new features as well. Thank you for your patience.