Does Riffer have a Euclidean generator?

Sorry if this is already known. I read the User Manual and did a search of the Community forums and could not find an answer to this question. Does Riffer allow you to choose a Euclidean pattern generator as one of its modes? I’m thinking of purchasing Riffer, but would like to know this answer first.

As far I can tell, No. There is a way for you to program in patterns and save and recall them. Riffer does a random pattern generation very well based on scales.

Hello oobesan,

Currently Riffer does not have an Euclidean mode and we’re not sure if it will come with our upcoming V4 as for this next version we will be focusing on delivering some brand new randomization modes for creating Riffs rather than Euclidean pattern sequencer engines.

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Thanks for the kind response. I can definitely understand your rationale. Are there any plans or discussions about offering discounts for V4 products (I also own PB3 and CJ)?

Coincidentally I just found out about this very cool looking plugin I am considering buying.

Yes, thanks for the suggestion. I ended up buying it, because it was only $25. It does what you expect it to do. But, it’s a little simple. And, I became frustrated with the plugin, because it (and all other ADSR plugins) are so specific to Ableton Live. Specifically, the MIDI routing. I don’t use Ableton Live, and they provide no guidance or support for users of other DAWs. I had to request a refund.

I ended up purchasing HY-Plugins RPE2. He is a Japaneses independent developer and makes several interesting sequencer plugins. The RPE2 has a step sequencer mode as well as a powerful Euclidean sequencer mode. It’s pretty nice, but runs slow and the UI is a little clunky. The developer is super responsive and has emailed back and forth a couple of times.

But I will say, I hope Audiomodern makes one of their own. Based on Audiomodern’s knack for making plugins that are 1) really FUN, to use; 2) have a clean and slick GUI; 3) have powerful randomizing/modulation capabilities; and 4) load fast and are CPU-friendly, I would imagine theirs would be instantly best-in-class. And it would be an insta-buy for me!

I am demoing the orbit plugin and I thought it would have more routing options I’ve been playing with loop generators and experimenting with MIDI plugins for about two years. I recently looked up Euclidean plug ins and I’m demoing the HY-Plugins too.

There are a few other plugins I can mention I use once in a while, and recently I bought a plugin made by someone who has worked for Audiomodern, Marionieto (you’ll find his name on some of the audiomodern plugins) His new plugin is called Harmony Bloom , it’s real functional and being continuously developed and updated the past few months, and it’s on sale on this website right now: for $12 I think it’s a deal!

W.A.Production’s Loop Engine can probably do some Euclidean patterns but it’s not made for them. It’s on sale right now too. Loop Engine 2 | W. A. Production

Xronomorph is free and can definitely do some Euclidean patterns - it can load plugins and I’ve only ever used it to play with it solo, not record in a daw. Dynamic Tonality

Let me know if you try any of these. I think there are demos available.

Yes, thanks for the help! I wasn’t familiar with the Dynamic Tonality one.

I purchased Riffer, but haven’t played with it yet. Page 21 of the user manual is utterly confusing, and Audiomodern needs to provide video tutorials regarding MIDI Input Channel, Plugin MIDI Output, and External MIDI Outputs (how to use this information). Or, at the very least, they need to provide a better, fuller explanation in the user manual. And this information needs to be DAW-specific. As it is, there is no information on how to actually use any of the options of the MIDI settings, much less DAW-specific workflows. Hopefully, Audiomodern can provide a response here. If not, I will need to create a support ticket for this question and will share it with the forum if I hear back.

I have also purchased a few of these other plugins at this point, but haven’t gotten to play around with all of them yet. I have used the HYP-RPE2 the most. It is powerful and can route each of its 8 sequencer lanes to a separate MIDI channel. But this introduces unintended issues with non-sequencer connected tracks, at least in Logic Pro. I also purchased ASDR Excel, Orbit, and Mario Nieto World’ Harmony Bloom (how could I not for $12?). Orbit does have the capability of routing its 8 individual sequencing lanes to separate MIDI channels and connected, individual instrument tracks. And as far as Harmony Bloom and Hexcel goes, it’s a moot point, as these pattern generators are designed for 1 sequence/instrument at a time.

There is an upcoming riffer? I’m not sure I believe that, I figured it was discontinued, its bee so long, When?

Hi oobesan,

Riffer is no different that any other MIDI processor plugin in terms of routing. While it would be very difficult to create a different tutorial for all available DAWs and Host applications, we do have the different routing options for most popular DAWs inside the manual. Let me know which is your DAW and I’m happy to share more details and answer any questions.


Hi maxbowie,

Not at all. We aim to provide regular updates for all apps that are available on our catalogue, otherwise we would discontinued them like our 2017-2020 Instruments. New versions are coming for Playbeat and Riffer to version 4 with tons of new features, expansions and totally new randomization and pattern creation algorithms. Stay tuned!

Hi Audiomodern. There is not much discussion in the manual (just that it can be done). Some users will be more savvy than others, but many could benefit from a better description of WHY and HOW to use the different MIDI routing options in Riffer. While it requires a little effort to make a tutorial video that includes quick examples of how to do this in various DAWs, this sure seems like a better way to help your users than for them to request support tickets or just give up on the product. Or, at least that’s my opinion. I use Logic Pro, btw. Thanks for your consideration.