Round Robins for Groups

I look forward to making many packs in the future for Soundbox but one thing I would really like to see is Round Robins. Being able to have round robins really elevates sample libraries, especially for physical instruments. Decent Sampler and many other sample plugins support round robins and it would be great to see this feature included in Soundbox as well.

In terms of incorporating this feature, I’ve attached a screenshot which utilizes an unused area within the Group UI. There could be a “Round Robin” button which when activated allows use of the “Round Robin Layer” selector which lets edit each layer, making the selected layer appear in the current group section. “Random Cycle” enables the robins to cycle randomly vs the default behavior which is in sequential order.

Since a selector would have to be built into the UI, you could limit the Round Robins to 3 layers which will keep things simple and prevent group file sizes from being too large while still creating the ability to make more dynamic groups. (High end sample libraries like Spitfire utilize 5)


Hi GourlieRecords,

Thank you for providing detailed suggestions and drafting the proposal. This is on our to-do list, and we’ll look into how we can incorporate it into a future update.


For anybody stumbling across this, I found a sort of workaround if you really want to include round robins. Just stack your 3 round robins repeating vertically across all of the velocity layers and as velocity changes naturally as you play your robins will trigger. This workaround doesn’t necessarily work for sounds that require separate sample files for low/high velocity.

Screenshot example of my 3 RR layers stacked alternating:

(Also side note for @Audiomodern the “drag sample here” text could probably disappear once a sample is loaded for easier readability)


i’m using same workaround, it’s more like velocity layering then round robin.
it would be nice to be able to color code samples to distinguish them easier.
also it would be great to have few options while mapping samples onto the
keyboard , like automatic pitch recognition ,semi automatic bace on sample
naming and manual.

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We are currently working on Round Robins for groups, and it will likely be included in the next update. Stay tuned.


We have Round Robins now as of 1.0.7!

Nice work, Audiomodern team. I can’t wait to keep seeing more features rolled out.


Agreed! +1 to @GourlieRecords for the feature request and +1 to Audiomodern for delivering on it.