I had some issues installing playbeat3 as midi fx in LogicX, but it’s installed now.
But i cannot get the playbeat3 to send midi to any drum plugin or synth on the track.
This is the whole reason to use this as a midi fx plugin, not an instrument.
Playbeat works fine as an instrument, but as a midi fx it wont send any midi.
I can use riffer in this way, and i would just use that, but it’s hard to use for drums because you cant double up notes in riffer.
Anyone using this method in there current Logic X setup, could you help me with how you got it working
Thanks for the screenshots.
I assume that it is a problem related to M1 setup.
I have forwarded the problem to the rest of the dev team so we can correct with a quick update.
Guessing this issue has not been resolved as I am on the updated version, but any word as to if you all plan to work on this? Really would like to use Playbeat to control a few other VST-i!
My experience:
I can get the plugin loaded as a midi Fx.
It will only trigger the first track (kick - c3), when using a full sequence.
When i try to change the fixed note output the plugin crashes.
Same problem here. Midi plugin not sending midi. If I drag a midi file from Playbeat to the track,it plays back as expected but will not work correctly as a midi plugin. osx Mojave. Logic 10.5.1. Playbeat 3.1.5.
Please fix asap. Thank you.
As i told the devs above, the midi fx plugin crashes when you try and change the note output. the solution is to insert a ‘transpose’ midi fx after it, at -24 semitones.