MIDI rec and melodic key options?

I’ve been using playbeat with Ableton. I would love to be able to flick on record, let Playbeat run some interesting rhythms, then dump the MIDI straight onto a track with drum rack for fine tuning. I know I can pull MIDI tracks out separately, but that is very time consuming. Let me know if there’s something I’m missing, it doesn’t seem to record any MIDI this way at all.

Request no 2 would be key lock options for melodic sequencing. Have a range of minor/major/pentatonic etc available or even an option to pick the specific notes that can be used with randomization. This has the potential to be an arp and bass beast, but it’s not really there at the moment without this functionality.

Really enjoying the smart randomization. Would love to get into a bit of an easier flow with it! thanks :slight_smile:

for your first question, have you try to activate midi out in playbeat then route to another track to record this midi flux ?

I’ve tried recording the MIDI by setting up another track to record the MIDI output from that track, is that what you mean? In this case it records MIDI but all beats are recorded on C3, so it’s only usable if I’m recording just one instrument.

yes, but you need to specify a midi note for each track in Playbeat settings/midi out , refer to your ableton midi kit to choose these notes or use the General MIDI Drum Kit Map ( generally start from note 36 ( C3) )

Okay, yes, that would work. Thanks, I’ll try it out this weekend!