Playbeat 3 - Sync Playbeats and Import Midi

Hi Audiomodern,

I don’t know if this has been asked already! Can a feature be added to import Midi.

I used iZotope iDrum until it started showing it’s age. No Midi Out.

I have loads of Midi Sequences, I made exported from there, and would like to import them in Playbeat 3. Is this Possible?

Also can 2 Playbeats 3 be synced, as in when browsing presets can they do it at the same time. Is this possible as feature?

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Studiodbfx,

Currently this is not possible as this would require a specific MIDI mapping for all MIDI files so that Playbeat can import and map them accordingly automatically, otherwise the MIDI files would require additional editing. However, this would be a useful feature. We will see if we can also add that option to our upcoming V4.

Syncing two or more instances of Playbeat is also not possible at the moment but that is an easy addition, if we receive more requests about this we could add it to the current version.

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Hi Audiomodern,

I use the ‘Standard Drum Map’ for my Midi files. I know some people do not use that, and just create a pattern according to what sample is in that keyboard note. I do not mind additional editing, if the Midi file is not a ‘Standard Drum Map’. It would not be that difficult to hear which sample belongs where, and in some cases it can create an interesting pattern when different samples are used, that are not supposed to be in a ‘Standard Drum Map’.

If it can be implemented in the upcoming V4 that would be Excellent, and in later updates tweak it to recognize the rhythmic pattern, and place the Midi notes accordingly.

Okay! Understood if more user request Syncing, then it’s a possibility. :slightly_smiling_face:

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