Currently this is not possible as this would require a specific MIDI mapping for all MIDI files so that Playbeat can import and map them accordingly automatically, otherwise the MIDI files would require additional editing. However, this would be a useful feature. We will see if we can also add that option to our upcoming V4.
Syncing two or more instances of Playbeat is also not possible at the moment but that is an easy addition, if we receive more requests about this we could add it to the current version.
I use the ‘Standard Drum Map’ for my Midi files. I know some people do not use that, and just create a pattern according to what sample is in that keyboard note. I do not mind additional editing, if the Midi file is not a ‘Standard Drum Map’. It would not be that difficult to hear which sample belongs where, and in some cases it can create an interesting pattern when different samples are used, that are not supposed to be in a ‘Standard Drum Map’.
If it can be implemented in the upcoming V4 that would be Excellent, and in later updates tweak it to recognize the rhythmic pattern, and place the Midi notes accordingly.
Okay! Understood if more user request Syncing, then it’s a possibility.
Could you not have Playbeat scan the MIDI file, detect all notes, remove notes > 8 notes and longer than 32 beats and then map the lowest note to C2, second lowest note to D2, etc. I’ve created scripts like this using ChatGPT for apps like Libre Arp and Phrasebox in the past, so am I missing a point in the implementation of this function? Is should be easy to implement if the above logic is used. I was using python and it was able to correctly map MIDI files successfully. I’m not a programmer but if I was able to get this to work, then I’m sure it can be done.
Yes, it is possible through several approaches. Currently, Playbeat is designed primarily as a drum track creator, focusing on generating, composing, and exporting drum patterns rather than importing existing MIDI files. However, if users request this feature, it will be added. In the upcoming version, a dedicated thread will be introduced to prioritize requests based on user feedback.
Thanks a lot. It would be great to import your own MIDI patterns, in order to create variations of your favourite ones, using the awesome algorithms in Playbeat. This would be a major drawcard, in my opinion, rather than getting variations of kits you don’t necessarily like. Manually programming in all your favourite patterns vs importing them is why I’m requesting this. Please consider it.
There are several topics asking for MIDI import, and you even said you’re working on it and will try to implement it. Because of the existing topics, I didn’t create any. So I will request this feature too. It’s obvious that smart random is much more useful with your own pattern styles even along with the new neural network.
Do you need more user requests?
Please don’t ignore this, I’m really wondering if this is enough to consider implementing midi import with standard mapping.
Hi, we’ve received a few more similar requests on our social channels and will work on adding this. However, since the sequencer isn’t MIDI-based, detecting certain parts may be challenging, but it should work for simpler sequences. We’ll give it a try in this version and soon.