- Why some Presets has fixed Midi Notes for Tracks?
At first i thought that causes the issue that Midinotes don trigger the right sound on a Track.
This happens actually.
On Export the Tracks/ Midinotes are overlapping or complete wrong.
I dont understand why they are complete wrong and always the same, even after choose another Preset?
I expected that every Track 1-8 can dropped via Midi Stem from C3-E2 - ALWAYS fixed on every Preset.
But some Presets has fixed Note output or someting…where i export “shit” ? Maybe?
I Midi Monitor this and its exacly what i expected, more than one Track are on Note C3
Or has Exporting Midi nothing to do with that experience?
- Exporting ALL STEMS export NOT the actual Beat, how much i try this
the Midi notes seems not fit the Midinotes/ Tracks are on the wrong Notes, where is no or the wrong Sound. Now i see its also upside down counting. its not C3-E2 its C3-G3…
The exported notes are ALWAYS the same, i dont know where they come from or why there are there…
- Exporting ALL STEMS export NOT the actual Beat, how much i try this
Exporting THIS:
Looks like THIS - ALWAYS - i can switch the presets, is always the same.
OR it sounds completely broken.
Export Stems sounds absolut different as the Beat:
- Exporting every Track separatly seems to work, but ALL STEMS not.
What i want.
I want to Export Track 1-8 via ALL STEMS on the Midi Notes “C3” to “E2” (top to bottom like the tracks are listed) Global Fixed on the Notes for all Presets.