Step Length edit?

Wanted to tweak the length of a hit and was surprised to find i couldn’t do it. I think there is a conspicuous lack of a step length edit tab? Or am I missing something?

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Hi, Have you tried to edit the sample via the Sample Edit tab?
(Screenshot attached)


I’m not using the built in audio engine, but triggering Tal drum VST. Yes i did resort to shortening a sample length for one open hat, but it’s not a solution for articulating nuances for the rest of the kit. Eg. I need to shorten the length of a particular bass drum hit that is lower in velocity.

So you’d wish to shorten a particular step while you’re on MIDI mode. Perhaps as you would do when shortening a note on a piano roll window?

At this point Playbeat transmits MIDI notes and there isn’t such a window, but definitely a feature we can add.

yes, just like shortening a midi note in piano roll, Definitely needed asap. Thanks!

+1 from me or a way to tie notes. Note length editing would be a great new feature. Thank you.