No exposed parameters to DAW for macro control Ableton, Bitwig etc

I’m enjoying Riffer but it is the ONLY plugin I own that has no exposed parameters available for macro/remote control in my DAW. You’ve implemented midi learn so why no parameters exposed for remote/macro control in DAW’s like Bitwig and Ableton?

Overall its such a well polished, useful and effective plugin but this was a big disappointment as I like to control all my device chain plugins with macro/remote controls rather than having to assign dedicated midi cc’s.


Hello soundtemple,

Thanks for reaching out. We’re working on adding these to our upcoming update.

Thanks for your patience


Hey, it’s one year later. Just wondering if it’s still on the radar to expose parameters for DAW automation and control?

Hello soundtemple,

Sorry for being late, we are currently working on our version 4 update to be released soon which will come with several exposed parameters. Thank you for your patience.

Thats good to hear. Just wondering if that will be for other products as well like Chordjam etc?

I am also missing this on chordjam, but I think maybe you could add some parameter that would make sense to have in a knob to randomize other parameters or maybe like macro snapshots.

Loopmix doesn’t seem to have parameters exposed to my DAW (Bitwig 5) ?
Is this a bug or intended?
I wanted to assign the big random button and other functions to a Bitwig macro… quite sad it isn’t working

Hi Sternenherz,

While Loopmix doesn’t come with parameters exposed you can assign any parameter to any given CC -or- Key from you keyboard (or MIDI Input) via the Midi mapping section on the settings tab.