Hey guys, hope you’re well. I would like to suggest a separate directory for user presets and expansion presets, as they don’t really belong together. A separate directory for each expansion would be even neater, but at least the user presets should definitely have their own directory.
Kind regards.
I’m definitively agreed ! 
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Hello carlosbtlr,
This is already requested and we will deliver with our next update.
About a separate directory for each expansion, isn’t this already possible by simply clicking on the expansion name itself?
Hey guys
Good to know, thanks.
Yes, you’re right, it is already possible, my mistake.
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Heehee… I was just coming here to request this, because I can’t find my custom presets - they are lost in an ocean of names that (mostly) I don’t recognize but they come from the great expansion packs I have installed. I thought this was to be in the recent update, but perhaps not quite?