Dear Audiomodern,
Riffer should display the velocity value range as 0-127 instead of of 0-100.
This change would align with the MIDI velocity 0-127 value standard and would help to avoid confusion while using Riffer.
Dear Audiomodern,
Riffer should display the velocity value range as 0-127 instead of of 0-100.
This change would align with the MIDI velocity 0-127 value standard and would help to avoid confusion while using Riffer.
Our goal is to use values ranging from 0-100% for simplicity and ease of use, rather than the standard MIDI range of 0-127. However, we’ll aim to include both options to accommodate all use cases.
That would be great to have that option. The current 0-100% value range makes it confusing for me to program the velocity specifically how I want it inside of Riffer because I don’t know what that values correspond with compared to the MIDI range 0-127. I know what values I want to have in the MIDI range 0-127 and it would be nice if that was reflected within Riffer.