I’m absolutely loving rethinking and creating instruments in Soundbox. My tools currently for Soundbox instrument-building are:
- Bitwig: for everything
- a variety of synths, samplers, and effects to create and shape sounds
- Unify: great for patch layering and testing layered-patch ideas. Also Sample Robot doesn’t work with VST3, so I use Unify as my conduit into Sample Robot.
- Sample Robot 6: for most of the multi-sampling. I use Bitwig for simple samples.
- Convert With Moss: to convert the hundreds of SFZ multi-samples I’ve spent 20+ years creating, into Bitwig multi-samples and hopefully Soundbox groups someday.
- Canva: to create beautiful Soundbox backdrops.
I’m looking forward to how Soundbox develops over time. Currently, I love how it is so light on CPU, so please don’t bloat it up with too many features. Just the updates that make sample import, and preset creation easier is all thats needed.